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  • Special Report from the 2021 International Stroke Conference

    These reviews of studies presented at the virtual 2021 International Stroke Conference were written by Neurology Alert's editor. All comments and opinions are solely those of the editor.

  • Transdiagnostic Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Young Patients

    This Danish randomized clinical trial compares a new form of cognitive behavioral therapy delivered in a community setting to “treatment as usual” for children and teens with emotional problems and shows advantages in multiple arenas, including parent-reported changes in child distress and impairment.

  • Air Filters and Asthma

    Asthmatic children showed improved small airway mechanics following indoor filtration of particulates (2.5 µm and greater) using high-efficiency particulate air filtration devices.

  • Loneliness and Type 2 Diabetes Incidence

    Loneliness appears to be an independent risk factor for type 2 diabetes, although further research to identify the causal relationship between loneliness and type 2 diabetes development is needed.

  • Virtual Site Training Expands During the Pandemic

    Virtual training for clinical trial teams may have existed for years, but it has gained significant attention during the COVID-19 pandemic. Experts expect the popularity of this kind of training to increase, even after COVID-19 restrictions are relaxed.
  • Exploitation Issues Arise in Study of Human Subject Incentive Payments

    As IRBs review participant incentives for studies, they assess whether the incentives are coercive or exploitive. New research provides a snapshot of the diversity of these incentive offerings, revealing monetary payments for biomedical studies tend to be 10 times higher than payments for sociobehavioral studies.
  • Reliance Teams Strengthen Relationships with Central IRB

    IRBs and research institutions continue to hammer out processes and best practices related to the revised Common Rule. As one IRB found, this process requires a team effort. When collaborative IRB requests began to increase, the Augusta (GA) University IRB office formed a reliance team. The IRB also designated one team member, a reliance coordinator, to handle issues related to reliance agreements. A recent study revealed the reliance team helps IRB offices with collaboration and reviewing reliance agreements to ensure the research is in accordance with local policies. The team also can help investigators navigate through reliance process.
  • IRB Staff Training Program Improves Consistency and Work Group Efficiency

    When an IRB office aimed to improve its staff training and work efficiency, the solution was to create a new program, called the IRB Staff Training and Onboarding Program. The process began with the IRB’s internal staff training and member work group and leaders identifying ways to improve training and onboarding of new IRB staff.
  • Pfizer and Moderna Begin COVID-19 Vaccine Trials in Younger Children

    Both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna announced in March they had begun clinical trials of their COVID-19 vaccines in children younger than age 12 years. Although public reaction was mixed, researchers and bioethicists now say the timetable for a pediatric vaccine and for the United States to possibly reach herd immunity is early 2022.
  • 2021 Update on Adult Vaccinations with a Focus on SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19

    Vaccination in adults remains one of the most important means of preventing disease in vulnerable populations. Certain vaccines, such as influenza, tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis, and the new COVID-19 vaccine are recommended for all adults, while others are recommended in subsets of adults depending on age, comorbidities, and certain risk factors.